When I'm 90, there will be no more printed newspapers. The internet will have stolen all of the advertising dollars. For news, people will have the internet and the self updating DVR feature on their televisions for local and world news from a variety of different sources. Television advertising will be based on product placement, and on some stations it will also appear as a crawl on the bottom of the screen all the time, to combat this new DVR function. Advanced DVR systems will be able to zoom into the program, cropping the crawl away. The crawl will likely not just happen through the bottom of the screen.
When I'm 90, we will know as much about the human brain as we do the heart. Replacement limbs and other brain controlled functions will be connected to the nerves in the brain, negating complete disability. This will change the way we view disability and the concept of handicapped.
When I'm 90, the typewriter and keyboard will be considered old fassioned. There will be two primary methods of inputting information we used to type- using a lingual interperiting machine, and using a synapse interperiting machine. The lingual interperiter will record clearly dictated words and have a number of shift keys for special commands (a shift key for letter/number mode and others for more advanced parameters). The synapse interperiting machine will attach to the head and recognise intentions based on brain waves. This will primarily be used to spell (letters will be thought), but some more advanced machines will be in development that can recognise most words of a language.
I'd like to share something very interesting now. You simply need to see this.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
The Scores! :p
To begin, here is Patricia and my correspondence:
RE: The Chance Project
From Me
To Patricia
That's great! Here's my recipe:
> From: patriciatorres47@gmail.com
> To: rednecter@hotmail.com
> Subject: The Chance Project
> Date: Tue, 10 Mar 2009 21:25:38 -0700
> CC: patriciatorres47@hotmail.com
> Dear Brenden,
> I am sending you the recipe for the chance project. Please let me
> know if this is clear for you. I thought about creating music because
> I'm pretty sure you are going to enjoy it! Anything related to music
> seems enjoyable for you.
> Thanks,
> Patricia
> The Grant Project
The Grant Project was successful! Of the ten people I randomly selected, 5 answered and 4 gave songs.
I can get it out of my safe if people want to visit me at 31st and Taraval!
RE: The Chance Project
From Me
To Patricia
That's great! Here's my recipe:
- Write the first 10 kinds of restaurant (Chinese, Italian, Mexican, you get the idea)that come to mind on piece of paper, numbered 0 to 9.
- Open a phone book and note the first number that you see.
- Look up the names and numbers of 12 different restaurants of that type.
- Call each restaurant and ask the first person you speak to for a letter out of A, B, C, D, E, F, or G.
- Write all the letters on the paper. If the person is more than friendly, write "major". If the person is mean, write "minor." If the person does not give you an answer (or there is no answer), write nothing, but circle it.
- Cut each letter/circle out along with whatever notes there are on the answer.
- Choose 4 without looking and arrange them in a straight line. Write this down and underline this part, "1".
- Choose another 4 without looking and arrange them as "2". Arrange and label the last as "3".
- Now write a song by copying the 4 note sequences, "1-1-2-1 2-2-1-1 3-3-2-2 1-1-2-1"
- Title it, "____ Food Shuffle" and leave it on or near the next piano you see.
> From: patriciatorres47@gmail.com
> To: rednecter@hotmail.com
> Subject: The Chance Project
> Date: Tue, 10 Mar 2009 21:25:38 -0700
> CC: patriciatorres47@hotmail.com
> Dear Brenden,
> I am sending you the recipe for the chance project. Please let me
> know if this is clear for you. I thought about creating music because
> I'm pretty sure you are going to enjoy it! Anything related to music
> seems enjoyable for you.
> Thanks,
> Patricia
> The Grant Project
- Using the White Pages (phonebook), look for the last name of Grant in the area code (415).
- Find a row with the last name of Grant.
- Select 10 people, at random, with the name Grant. Avoid businesses.
- Call these 10 people on the telephone and ask them for their favorite. Write down their responses.
- Search the songs for the music (score) and write down the first measure or phrase of each song.
- Then, using Audacity (- download it for free @ http://audacity.sourceforge.net/download/mac), record into the program each (first) measure/phrase of each song, either by humming or by playing an instrument.
- Edit these first measures/phrases, using filters, and create a piece of music.
The Grant Project was successful! Of the ten people I randomly selected, 5 answered and 4 gave songs.
- Laura's Theme, from Dr. Zhivago
- Fast Car, by Tracey Chapman
- Rhapsody in Blue, by Gershwin
- Glass, Concrete and Stone by David Byrne
I can get it out of my safe if people want to visit me at 31st and Taraval!
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